22 Oct Custom made furniture for a house in Sitges| Barcelona
Posted at 08:23h
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Custom made furniture for a house in Sitges| Barcelona
For this project we decided to custom design all the furniture and fittings to perfectly integrate them into the space. In this house on two levels with a garden in Sitges, we proposed a full refurbishment that would create a single large space on the ground floor and 3 rooms on the first floor for this Swiss Spanish family that was looking for simple and slick lines in neutral tones and accents in natural oak. #sitges #barcelona #rardoarchitects #moderninteriors #architecture #interiordesign #interiordesigner #interiorinspiration #contemporaryart #contemporarydesign #architecture #archdigest #architettura #arredamentointerni #adstyle #vogueliving #elledecor #homedesignurymiduryintagefurniturehomehomehomerecentrecenturymidiorncentury #colourmyhomecentury #MidiornCorDecenturyMidiorMidCorrecenturyMidiornColourMidRomeColourMidRomeCenturyHomeRomeColourMidCorrecenturyColourMidRomeColourMidHomeCorner #midcenturymodern #midcenturymodernfurniture #interieur #interiorismo #artsytecture